We’re a purpose-driven team of health professionals on a mission to help people live better lives


Everyone onboard is motivated by helping people who are suffering from a real life problem. Too many people experience a quality of life that we can help improve with our solutions. For us it’s about providing people with devices and help that can make a real difference. 

The PRECURE Journey 

 We began this journey based on curiosity and a desire to acquire more knowledge. But what is a start-up exactly? Well, we discovered that transferring knowledge into product innovation is what gets us up in the morning. Medico has always had our attention as such, but specifically innovating and thereby helping others is the next level. 

Others say that we are not characterized as thinkers. We’re more doers. Not to say that we build everything on evidence and science. But knowledge is interesting only when it is applied. 

First couple of years we learned how not to do things. This steep learning curve broke and over a period of a couple of months we were able to continuously innovate and positively develop our product towards the high standard it has today. Brilliant advisors, consultants with shiny eyes, funding from a lot of people and organizations who believe in us, and employees driven by purpose are the shoulders we stand on. Short and sweet. 

And actually, a patient once said: I only wish you could stand behind be and correct my movements every time I fail to move the way I should”. In all honesty, this one innocent remark was the fuel which started our shared journey towards a product replacing a person – offering the help needed. All the time.  

The ambition

We genuinely want to provide help to those that actually relieves pain and helps people. To achieve this we would like to help with pre-damage interventions to make the user start reflecting on her movement habits. The aim is to put as much professional physiotherapy experience into the MLI® Solution, so that technology supports recovery and great new habits.  

Our experience is that people generally welcomes tools and technology that can help them closer to their goals. We would argue, that it is crucial you’re using your arm, but make sure you’re using it in the best way possible. Which can be a subjective analysis. So, targeting the right level of communication will always be a challenge. But it is a challenge we are up for and luckily seems to be sharper on, on a daily basis.  

The main reason why people and professionals should trust our value proposition is that we know what we talk about. So, based on 15 years of accumulated experience, this device and approach is not just a fad. It is built on real engagement, motivation and first and foremost - expertise. 


Why don’t we want to save billions?


What is Tennis Elbow? A common work-related injury